Transformation Texture
During phase transformation or twinning the orientation of a crystal rapidly flips from an initial state oriA
into a transformed state oriB
. This relationship between the initial and transformed state can be described by an orientation relationship OR
. To make the situation more precise, we consider the phase transformation from austenite to ferrite via the Nishiyama Wassermann orientation relationship
% parent and child crystal symmetry
csP = crystalSymmetry('432','mineral','Austenite');
csC = crystalSymmetry('432','mineral','Ferrite');
% the orientation relationship
p2c = orientation.NishiyamaWassermann(csP,csC);
Now an arbitrary Austenite orientation
oriA = orientation.rand(csP)
oriA = orientation (Austenite → xyz)
Bunge Euler angles in degree
phi1 Phi phi2
238.265 100.111 261.631
is transformed in one of the following Ferrite orientations
oriB = variants(p2c,oriA)
oriB = orientation (Ferrite → xyz)
size: 1 x 12
Bunge Euler angles in degree
phi1 Phi phi2
103.932 86.7036 358.69
355.703 138.501 117.565
32.9982 39.0212 296.271
309.435 56.6843 289.021
196.065 81.8242 166.834
64.9644 34.3738 90.382
191.632 100.789 346.732
76.7717 122.155 106.235
145.575 36.0662 266.16
53.6238 125.498 273.221
332.836 52.5099 95.3293
104.406 67.2378 178.582
These 12 Ferrite orientations are called variants of the orientation relationship. Lets visualize them in a pole figure plot
hC = Miller({1,1,1},{1,1,0},csC);
hP = Miller({1,1,0},{1,0,0},csP);
% plot the child variants
% and on top the parent orientation
opt = {'MarkerFaceColor','none','MarkerEdgeColor','darkred','linewidth',3};
for k = 1:2
hold on
plot(oriA * hP(k).symmetrise ,opt{:})
hold off

In case we have multiple parent orientations following some initial orientation distribution function odf
% define a model ODF
odfA = unimodalODF(oriA,'halfwidth',5*degree)
odfA = SO3FunRBF (Austenite → xyz)
unimodal component
kernel: de la Vallee Poussin, halfwidth 5°
center: 1 orientations
Bunge Euler angles in degree
phi1 Phi phi2 weight
238.265 100.111 261.631 1

We can draw some random orientations according this model ODF and apply the same commands variants
to compute all transformed orientations in one step
% number of discrete orientations
n = 10000;
oriASim = odfA.discreteSample(n)
% transform the orientations
oriBSim = variants(p2c,oriASim)
% show the result
oriASim = orientation (Austenite → xyz)
size: 10000 x 1
oriBSim = orientation (Ferrite → xyz)
size: 10000 x 12

An alternative and better approach is to directly use odfA
as an input to the function variants
. In this case the output is the orientation distribution function of the transformed material
% compute the child ODF
odfB = variants(p2c,odfA)
% plot
odfB = SO3FunHarmonic (Ferrite → xyz)
bandwidth: 48
weight: 1

We observe that the transformed ODF computed by the latter approach is sharper and shows more details when compared with the ODF computed from discrete orientations. We may quantify this difference by computing the texture index of both ODFs
% texture index of the transformed ODF computed from discrete orientations
odfBSim = calcDensity(oriBSim)
odfBSim = SO3FunHarmonic (Ferrite → xyz)
bandwidth: 25
weight: 1
ans =
% texture index of the directly computed transformed ODF
ans =