Operations with Three-Dimensional Grains edit page

On this page we explain some basic operations with three dimensional grains. Let us start by importing some example data set and plot it from a nice perspective

mtexdata NeperGrain3d

% colorize by mean orientation
grains = grain3d
 Phase  Grains   Volume  Mineral  Symmetry  Crystal reference frame
     2    1000  1000000   Quartz       321       X||a*, Y||b, Z||c*
 boundary faces: 7203
 Properties: meanRotation


We can extract from 3d grain data 2d grain data by slicing them along one or multiple planes. This is done using the command slice. This command requires two inputs to characterize a plane - the plane normal N and an arbitrary point P0 within the plane.

% a point where the slice should pass through
P0 = vector3d(50,50,50);

% the normal direction of the slice
N = vector3d(1,-1,0);

% compute the slice
grains1_10 = grains.slice(N,P0)

% visualize the slice
grains1_10 = grain2d
 Phase  Grains  Pixels  Mineral  Symmetry  Crystal reference frame
     2     191     191   Quartz       321       X||a*, Y||b, Z||c*
 boundary segments: 574 (3408 µm)
 inner boundary segments: 0 (0 µm)
 triple points: 334
 Properties: meanRotation

We may adjust the @plottingConvention such that the normal direction is perpendicular to the screen.

how2plot = plottingConvention;
how2plot.outOfScreen = N;
how2plot.north = zvector
how2plot = plottingConvention
  outOfScreen: (1,-1,0)
  north      : (0,0,1) 
  east       : (1,1,0)

We may use the exact same syntax to generate multiple slices.

N = vector3d.Z;
for k = 1:19:99

  grainSlice = grains.slice(N, vector3d(0,0,k));

  hold on

hold off

Warning: still can not concatenate grains on different
Warning: still can not concatenate grains on different
Warning: still can not concatenate grains on different


Some functions are much faster on triangulated meshes. Therefore you can triangulate your grains with the command triangulate.

grainsTri = grains(20).triangulate

grainsTri = grain3d
 Phase  Grains  Volume  Mineral  Symmetry  Crystal reference frame
     2       1     702   Quartz       321       X||a*, Y||b, Z||c*
 boundary faces: 63
 Id   Phase   Pixels            meanRotation
 20       2        1   (124.9°,50.2°,269.2°)


Not surprisingly we can use the command rotate to apply any rotation to three dimensional grains. Note that a rotation changes the spatial coordinates as well as the orientations of the grains.

rot = rotation.byAxisAngle(vector3d(1,1,1),30*degree);
grains_rot = rot * grains;   % or rotate(grains3,rot)

% plotting