On this page we explain some basic operations with three dimensional grains. Let us start by importing some example data set and plot it from a nice perspective
mtexdata NeperGrain3d
% colorize by mean orientation
grains = grain3d
Phase Grains Volume Mineral Symmetry Crystal reference frame
2 1000 1000000 Quartz 321 X||a*, Y||b, Z||c*
boundary faces: 7203
Properties: meanRotation

We can extract from 3d grain data 2d grain data by slicing them along one or multiple planes. This is done using the command slice
. This command requires two inputs to characterize a plane - the plane normal N
and an arbitrary point P0
within the plane.
% a point where the slice should pass through
P0 = vector3d(50,50,50);
% the normal direction of the slice
N = vector3d(1,-1,0);
% compute the slice
grains1_10 = grains.slice(N,P0)
% visualize the slice
grains1_10 = grain2d
Phase Grains Pixels Mineral Symmetry Crystal reference frame
2 191 191 Quartz 321 X||a*, Y||b, Z||c*
boundary segments: 574 (3408 µm)
inner boundary segments: 0 (0 µm)
triple points: 334
Properties: meanRotation

We may adjust the @plottingConvention such that the normal direction is perpendicular to the screen.
how2plot = plottingConvention;
how2plot.outOfScreen = N;
how2plot.north = zvector
how2plot = plottingConvention
outOfScreen: (1,-1,0)
north : (0,0,1)
east : (1,1,0)

We may use the exact same syntax to generate multiple slices.
N = vector3d.Z;
for k = 1:19:99
grainSlice = grains.slice(N, vector3d(0,0,k));
hold on
hold off
Warning: still can not concatenate grains on different
Warning: still can not concatenate grains on different
Warning: still can not concatenate grains on different

Some functions are much faster on triangulated meshes. Therefore you can triangulate your grains with the command triangulate
grainsTri = grains(20).triangulate
grainsTri = grain3d
Phase Grains Volume Mineral Symmetry Crystal reference frame
2 1 702 Quartz 321 X||a*, Y||b, Z||c*
boundary faces: 63
Id Phase Pixels meanRotation
20 2 1 (124.9°,50.2°,269.2°)

Not surprisingly we can use the command rotate
to apply any rotation to three dimensional grains. Note that a rotation changes the spatial coordinates as well as the orientations of the grains.
rot = rotation.byAxisAngle(vector3d(1,1,1),30*degree);
grains_rot = rot * grains; % or rotate(grains3,rot)
% plotting