Picture of Ralf Hielscher

Ralf Hielscher invented MTEX in 2007 by implementing the pole figure to ODF inversion algorithm and leads since than the development.

Institute of Applied Analysis, TU Bergakademie Freiberg

Picture of Rüdiger Kilian

Rüdiger Kilian joined the MTEX team in 2008 as a PhD student of Rene Heilbronner, Basel. Since than he answered hundreds of questions in the MTEX forum. Rüdiger spends much afford in continuously improving the EBSD and grain analysis functionalities in MTEX.

Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg

Picture of David Mainprice

David Mainprice joined the MTEX team in 2009 by sharing his code on tensorial properties and seismic velocities. Since than he is continuously working on promoting MTEX to the world of geologists.

Geosciences Montpellier, France

Picture of Luiz Morales

Luiz Fernando Grafhula Morales is a structural geologist, electron microscopist and long time Mtex user. He helps with the implementation of physical properties, user support and workshops.

Scientific Centre of Optical and Electron Microscopy of ETH Zürich, Switzerland

Picture of Florian Bachmann

Florian Bachmann started with MTEX during his diploma thesis at TU Freiberg in 2008, when he implemented the MTEX grain reconstruction algorithm. Furthermore, he was responsible for the import wizard and the documentation center.

Xnovo Technology ApS, Denmark

Picture of Bjoern Eske Soerensen

Bjørn Eske Sørensen contributes to spectral difraction and birefringence.

Department of Geoscience and Petroleum,
Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Picture of Tuomo Nyyssoenen

Tuomo Nyyssoenen worked on parent austenite reconstruction during his PhD at Tampere University of Technology. He wrote the initial MTEX code for the reconstruction of parent grain structures and the determination of the parent to child orientation relationship.

Picture of Frank Niessen

Frank Niessen generalized and optimized the orientation relationship analysis and parent grain reconstruction algorithm in towards arbitrary phase combinations. He is also the author of export functions for ctf and ang files.

Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Technical University of Denmark

Picture of Vivian Tong

Vivian Tong uses MTEX for EBSD analysis of grains and misorientations to characterise plastic deformation in engineering materials. She developed TrueEBSD, an EBSD map image registration tool for correlative microscopy, and contributed many small features and bug fixes to MTEX.

National Physical Laboratory UK

Picture of Azdiar Gazder

Azdiar Gazder worked on the orientation relationship analysis and parent grain reconstruction algorithms for arbitrary phase combinations. He is the co-developer of the ORTools and phaseSegmenter toolboxes and author of the mtexTools toolbox.

Electron Microscopy Centre, University of Wollongong

Picture of Felix Bartel

Felix Bartel worked on MTEX during his master thesis at the TU Chemnitz in 2019. He wrote the code for spherical function classes.

Institute of Mathematics, TU Chemnitz

Picture of Erik Wünsche

Erik Wünsche worked on MTEX during his Phd thesis at the TU Freiberg in 2022. He wrote the code for classes of functions on the rotation group.

Institute of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, TU Freiberg

Picture of Oliver kent Johnson

Oliver Kent Johnson finished his PhD in 2015 under the supervision of Christopher A. Schuh at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He implemented the misorientation color key.

Picture of Fabian Bartl

Fabian Bartl is responsible for the webpage since 2021.

TU Bergakademie Freiberg