This section displays some of the standard orientations that are build into MTEX. The full list of predefined orientations consists of
- Cube, CubeND22, CubeND45, CubeRD
- Goss, invGoss
- Copper, Copper2
- SR, SR2, SR3, SR4
- Brass, Brass2
- PLage, PLage2, QLage, QLage2, QLage3, QLage4
For visualization we fix a generic cubic crystal symmetry and orthorhombic specimen symmetry
and select a subset of the above predefined orientations
3d Euler angle space
Lets first visualize the orientations in the three dimensional Euler angle space
Two dimensional phi2 sections
A second common way of visualizing the orientation space are sections with fixed Euler angle phi2
Three dimensional axis angle space
In the three dimensional axis angle space the orientation appear inside the fundamental sector
pole figures
In the major pole figures the predefined orientations appear at the following spots
inverse pole figures
For inverse pole figure the situation is as follows. Note that the different size of the markers has been chosen to avoid overprinting.
Defining an Model ODF