computes the elastic wave velocity(km/s) from the elastic stiffness Cijkl tensor and density (g/cm3)
varargout = velocity(C,varargin)
C | elasticity stiffnessTensor Cijkl (UNITS GPa) tensor |
x | list of propagation directions (vector3d) |
rho | material density (UNITS g/cm3) |
vp | velocity of the p--wave (UNITS km/s) |
vs1 | velocity of the s1--wave (UNITS km/s) |
vs2 | velocity of the s2--wave (UNITS km/s) |
pp | polarisation of the p--wave (particle movement, vibration direction) |
ps1 | polarisation of the s1--wave (particle movement, vibration direction) |
ps2 | polarisation of the s2--wave (particle movement, vibration direction) |