convolution of a rotational function with a rotational or spherical function
1. Convolution of two rotational functions
If there are two SO3Fun
\(f \colon {}_{S_f^L } \backslash SO(3) /_{S_f^R} \to \mathbb{C}\) where \(S_f^L\) is the left symmetry and \(S_f^R\) is the right symmetry and \(g: {}_{S_g^L} \backslash SO(3) /_{S_g^R} \to \mathbb C\) given. Then the convolution \(f {*}_L g \colon {}_{S_f^L} \backslash SO(3) /_{S_g^R} \to \mathbb C\) is defined by
\[ (f {*}_L g)(R) = \frac{1}{8\pi^2} \int_{SO(3)} f(q) \cdot g(q^{-1}\,R) \, dq \]
and the convolution \(f {*}_R g \colon {}_{S_g^L}\backslash SO(3) /_{S_f^R} \to \mathbb{C}\) is defined by
\[ (f {*}_R g)(R) = \frac1{8\pi^2} \int_{SO(3)} f(q) \cdot g(R\,q^{-1}) \, dq \]
with \(vol(SO(3)) = \int_{SO(3)} 1 \, dR = 8\pi^2\). The convolution \(*_L\) is used as default. The convolution of matrices of SO3Functions with matrices of SO3Functions works elementwise.
2. Convolution of a rotational function with a spherical function
The convolution of an SO3Fun
\(f: {}_{S_f^L} \backslash SO(3) /_{S_f^R} \to \mathbb{C}\) with an S2Fun
\(h \colon \mathbb S^2 /_{S_h} \to \mathbb C\) yields the S2Fun
\(f*h \colon \mathbb S^2/_{S_f^R} \to \mathbb C\) with
\[ (f * h)(\xi) = \frac1{8\pi^2} \int_{SO(3)} f(q) \cdot h(q\,\xi) \, dq \]
3. Convolution of a rotational function with a kernel function
In particular we convolute an SO3Fun
with an SO3Kernel
similar to the first case. Therefore the Right and Left sided convolution are equivalent. The convolution of an SO3Fun
with an S2Kernel
works analogue to case 2.%
convolution of a rotational function with a rotational or spherical function or a kernel function
For detailed information about the definition of the convolution take a look in the documentation.
The convolution of matrices of SO3Functions with matrices of SO3Functions works elementwise.
SO3F = conv(SO3F1,SO3F2)
SO3F = conv(SO3F1,SO3F2,'Right')
SO3F = conv(SO3F1,psi)
sF2 = conv(SO3F1,sF1)
sF2 = conv(SO3F1,phi)
SO3F1, SO3F2 | SO3Fun |
psi | convolution SO3Kernel |
sF1 | S2Fun |
phi | convolution S2Kernel |
SO3F | SO3FunHarmonic |
sF2 | S2FunHarmonic |
See also
SO3Kernel.conv SO3FunHarmonic.conv SO3FunRBF.calcFourier S2FunHarmonic.conv S2Kernel.conv