Wigner3j edit page

Compute the Wigner 3j symbol using the Racah formula.

W = Wigner3j( J123, M123 )

J123 = [J1, J2, J3], with the condition: Ji - Jj <= Jk <= (Ji + Jj) (i,j,k are permutations of 1,2,3) M123 = [M1, M2, M3], with the conditions: Mi <= Ji (i = 1,2,3) M1 + M2 + M3 = 0 All Ji and Mi have to be half integers (correspondingly).

Reference: Wigner 3j-Symbol entry of Eric Weinstein's Mathworld: http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Wigner3j-Symbol.html

Inspired by Wigner3j.m by David Terr, Raytheon, 6-17-04 (available at www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange).

By Kobi Kraus, Technion, 25-6-08.


wigner = Wigner3j( j123, m123 )