The class PoleFigure is used to store experimental pole figure intensities, i.e., XRD, synchrotron or neuron data. It provides several data correction methods as well as the reconstruction of an orientation density function (ODF). Importing pole figure data is explained in this section.
pf = PoleFigure(h,r,intensities,varargin)
h | Miller, crystal directions |
r | S2Grid, specimen directions |
intensities | diffraction counts (double) |
CS | crystalSymmetry |
SS | specimenSymmetry |
superposition | weights for superposed crystal directions |
background | background intensities |
Class Properties
allH | cell of Miller |
allR | cell of vector3d |
allI | cell of diffraction intensities |
c | structure coefficients |
SS | specimen symmetry |
Dependent Class Properties
CS | crystalSymmetry |
h | Miller direction of single pole figure |
r | specimen directions |
intensities | diffraction intensities |
antipodal |
See also
ImportPoleFigureData loadPoleFigure loadPoleFigure_generic This section describes the class PoleFigure and gives an overview of the functionality MTEX offers to analyze pole figure data.