ODF Reconstruction from XRD Data of an Al Alloy Rolled Sheet
ODF Reconstruction from XRD Data of an Al Alloy Rolled Sheet
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Import the Data
The following pole figure intensities have been measured by a Philips X'Pert diffractometer. Lets import the raw data
Background and Defocusing Correction
When working with X-ray diffraction the intensities are usually corrupted by background radiation as well as a decay of the intensities towards the equator. This effect can somehow be estimated by measuring an untextured powder sample. In the present case the following powder intensities were determined.
Lets store these intensities in variables of type PoleFigure.
For background and defocusing correction we subtract the background and divide by the defocusing factor.
Despite the defocusing correction the intensities at larger polar angles are very off, lets simply remove them.
ODF computation
Using the corrected XRD data we may now compute an ODF using the command calcODF.