Convert Time of Flight Neutron Data into Pole Figures edit page author:

This example demonstrates how to convert SKAT time of flight neutron intensities into pole figure intensities

Step 1: Import and Analyze the Spectra

% import all spectra
spec = loadallspectra(fullfile(mtexExamplePath,'ExODFReconstruction','Knie_10','Knie_10'));

% compute background
bg = calc_background(spec);

% plot
load detector: a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, .
calculate background: .

Step 2: Peak Detection and Integration

%Range fits measure period in '2005'
peakpos = [2520 1995 1480 1376 1354 1280 1206 1110];
peakrange = [[2509      2550];...
	[1981      2009];...
	[1470      1500];...
	[1366      1390];...
	[1344      1366];...
	[1280      1295];...
	[1196      1211];...
	[1103      1117];...
  [1015      1030]];

% specify crystal and specimen symmetry
CS = crystalSymmetry('-3m',[4.9,4.9,5.4]);

% file with structure factors for quartz
sf = txt2mat('quartz.txt');

sfpos  = {1,[2 3],4,[5 6],7,8,[9,10],11,[13,14]};

for k = 1:length(sfpos)
  i = sfpos{k};
  h{k} = Miller(sf(i,2),sf(i,3),sf(i,4),sf(i,5),CS);
  c{k} = sf(i,end).';

% extract peaks and calculate spectra sums
[sumdetectr,sumphi,sumspectr,peaks,peaksbg] = proceed_spectra(spec,bg,300:1200,peakrange);
* quartz.txt
* read mode: auto
* 83 data lines analysed
* 0 header line(s)
* 12 data column(s)
* 0 string replacement(s)

Step 3: Set up the Pole Figures

r = DubnaGrid(19);

pf = PoleFigure(h{1},r,fliplr(squeeze(peaks(1,:,:))),CS);

for k = 2:length(h)

  pf({k}) = PoleFigure(h{k}.',r,fliplr(squeeze(peaks(k,:,:))),CS);


pf.c = c;
