Data Import of Electron Backscatter Diffraction Data, Correct Data, Estimate Orientation Density Functions out of EBSD Data, Model Grains and Misorientation Density Functions

Short EBSD Analysis Tutorial How to detect grains in EBSD data and estimate an ODF.
Importing EBSD DataHow to import EBSD Data
Modify EBSD DataHow to correct EBSD data for measurement errors.
Smoothing of EBSD DataDiscusses how to smooth and to fill missing values in EBSD data
Analyze EBSD Data
Plotting Individual OrientationsBasics of the plot types for individual orientations data
ODF Estimation from EBSD dataHow to estimate an ODF from single orientation measurements.
Bingham distribution and EBSD datatesting rotational symmetry of individual orientations
Plotting spatially indexed EBSD dataHow to visualize EBSD data
Visualizing EBSD data with sharp texturesHow visualize texture gradients within grains
Simulating EBSD dataHow to simulate an arbitrary number of individual orientations data from any ODF.

EBSD data is stored in the class EBSD while grains are stored as variables of type grain2d. The following mindmap may induce a general idea analysing EBSD Data with MTEX.

Grains are a basic concept for spatially indexed EBSD Data. With grain modelling comes up the possibility of getting more information out of the EBSD Data - e.g. fabric analysis, characterisation of misorientation

Visualizing EBSD Data is a central part to understand the crystallographic orientation of a specimen. The most naive way to do this is by plotting the individual orientations as poles in pole figures or spatially indexed points in some map with colorcoded orientations. Moreover one gets with grains the possibility to take a closer look on grain boundaries and depending on the case, even in the internal structure of the grains.

Estimating ODFs from EBSD Data is also interesting when one has large datasets with and the plotting of individual measurements produces crowded pole figures. Nevertheless the selection of the optimal halfwidth for different dataset is a difficult question, in particular in matters of grains.