Spin Tensors

Spin Tensors as Ininitesimal Changes of Rotations

Spin tensors are skew symmetric tensors that can be used to approximate small rotational changes. Lets consider an arbitrary reference rotation

rot_ref = rotation.byEuler(10*degree,20*degree,30*degree)
rot_ref = rotation  
  size: 1 x 1
  Bunge Euler angles in degree
  phi1  Phi phi2 Inv.
    10   20   30    0

and pertube it by a rotating about the axis (123) and angle delta. Since multiplication of rotations is not commutativ we have to distinguish between left and right pertubations

delta = 0.01*degree;
rot_right = rotation.byAxisAngle(vector3d(1,2,3),delta) * rot_ref;
rot_left = rot_ref * rotation.byAxisAngle(vector3d(1,2,3),delta);

We may now ask for the first order Taylor coefficients of the pertubation as delta goes to zero which we find by the formula

$$ T = \lim_{\delta \to 0} \frac{\tilde R - R}{\delta}

T_right = (rot_right.matrix - rot_ref.matrix)./delta
T_left = (rot_left.matrix - rot_ref.matrix)./delta
T_right =
   -0.4002   -0.4146    0.7724
    0.5727   -0.5873   -0.2035
   -0.2484    0.5297   -0.1218
T_left =
   -0.5399   -0.6025    0.5816
    0.7530   -0.5816    0.1368
   -0.2648    0.1140    0.0122

Both matrices T_right and T_left are elements of the tangential space attached to the reference rotation rot_ref. Those matrices are characterized by the fact that they becomes scew symmetric matrices when multiplied from the left or from the right with the inverse of the reference rotation

S_right_L =  matrix(inv(rot_ref)) * T_right
S_right_R = T_right * matrix(inv(rot_ref))

S_left_L =  matrix(inv(rot_ref)) * T_left
S_left_R = T_left * matrix(inv(rot_ref))
S_right_L =
   -0.0000   -0.5892    0.4501
    0.5893   -0.0001   -0.6709
   -0.4501    0.6710   -0.0001
S_right_R =
   -0.0001   -0.8018    0.5345
    0.8018   -0.0001   -0.2672
   -0.5345    0.2673   -0.0000
S_left_L =
   -0.0001   -0.8018    0.5345
    0.8018   -0.0001   -0.2672
   -0.5345    0.2673   -0.0000
S_left_R =
   -0.0001   -0.9575    0.2758
    0.9575   -0.0001    0.0850
   -0.2758   -0.0850   -0.0000

A scew symmetric 3x3 matrix S is essentially determined by its entries , and . Writing these values as a vector we obtain for the matrices S_right_R and S_left_L exactly the rotational axis of our pertubation

vector3d(spinTensor(S_right_R)) * sqrt(14)

vector3d(spinTensor(S_left_L))  *sqrt(14)
ans = vector3d  
 size: 1 x 1
  x y z
  1 2 3
ans = vector3d  
 size: 1 x 1
  x y z
  1 2 3

For the other two matrices those vectors are related to the rotatinal axis by the reference rotation rot_ref

rot_ref * vector3d(spinTensor(S_right_L)) * sqrt(14)

inv(rot_ref) * vector3d(spinTensor(S_left_R)) * sqrt(14)
ans = vector3d  
 size: 1 x 1
  x y z
  1 2 3
ans = vector3d  
 size: 1 x 1
  x y z
  1 2 3

The Functions Log

The above definition of the spin tensor works only well if the pertupation rotation has small rotational angle. For large pertubations the matrix logarithm is the accurate way to compute the skew symmetric matrix, i.e., the spinTensor, of the rotational change between an reference orientation and another orientation.

rot_123 = rotation.byAxisAngle(vector3d(1,2,3),57.3*degree)
S = logm(rot_ref * rot_123,rot_ref)

S = logm(rot_123 * rot_ref,rot_ref,'left')
rot_123 = rotation  
  size: 1 x 1
  Bunge Euler angles in degree
    phi1     Phi    phi2    Inv.
  87.091 33.3008 320.221       0
S = spinTensor  
  rank: 2 (3 x 3)
      0 -80.18  53.46
  80.18      0 -26.73
 -53.46  26.73      0
S = spinTensor  
  rank: 2 (3 x 3)
      0 -80.18  53.46
  80.18      0 -26.73
 -53.46  26.73      0

Again we may extract the rotational axis directly from the spin tensor

% the rotational axis
vector3d(S) * sqrt(14)

% the rotational angle in degree
norm(vector3d(S)) / degree
ans = vector3d  
 size: 1 x 1
        x       y       z
  1.00007 2.00015 3.00022
ans =

Alternatively, we may compute the misorientation vector directly by

v = log(rot_ref * rot_123,rot_ref); v * sqrt(14)

log(rot_123 * rot_ref,rot_ref,'left') * sqrt(14)
ans = vector3d  
 size: 1 x 1
        x       y       z
  1.00007 2.00015 3.00022
ans = vector3d  
 size: 1 x 1
        x       y       z
  1.00007 2.00015 3.00022

The Exponential Function Exp

The exponential function is the inverse of function of the logarithm and hence it takes a spinTensor or a misorientation vector it turns it into a misorientation.

% applying a misorientation directly to the reference orientation
rot_ref * rot_123

% do the same with spinTensor

% do the same with the misorientation vector
ans = rotation  
  size: 1 x 1
  Bunge Euler angles in degree
     phi1     Phi    phi2    Inv.
  94.0543 29.4353 358.508       0
ans = rotation  
  size: 1 x 1
  Bunge Euler angles in degree
     phi1     Phi    phi2    Inv.
  94.0543 29.4353 358.508       0
ans = rotation  
  size: 1 x 1
  Bunge Euler angles in degree
     phi1     Phi    phi2    Inv.
  94.0543 29.4353 358.508       0
S = logm(rot_123 * rot_ref,rot_ref,'left');
rot_123 * rot_ref

v = log(rot_123 * rot_ref,rot_ref,'left');
ans = rotation  
  size: 1 x 1
  Bunge Euler angles in degree
     phi1     Phi    phi2    Inv.
  74.5565 51.5076 9.61124       0
ans = rotation  
  size: 1 x 1
  Bunge Euler angles in degree
     phi1     Phi    phi2    Inv.
  74.5565 51.5076 9.61124       0
ans = rotation  
  size: 1 x 1
  Bunge Euler angles in degree
     phi1     Phi    phi2    Inv.
  74.5565 51.5076 9.61124       0

Now the same with orientations

cs = crystalSymmetry('321')

% consider an arbitrary rotation
ori_ref = orientation.byEuler(10*degree,20*degree,30*degree,cs)

% next we disturb rot_ref by a rotation about the axis (123)
mori_123 = orientation.byAxisAngle(Miller(1,2,-3,3,cs),1)

% first we multiply from the right
ori = ori_ref * mori_123;
cs = crystalSymmetry  
  symmetry       : 321               
  a, b, c        : 1, 1, 1           
  reference frame: X||a*, Y||b, Z||c*
ori_ref = orientation  
  size: 1 x 1
  crystal symmetry : 321, X||a*, Y||b, Z||c*
  specimen symmetry: 1
  Bunge Euler angles in degree
  phi1  Phi phi2 Inv.
    10   20   30    0
mori_123 = misorientation  
  size: 1 x 1
  crystal symmetry : 321, X||a*, Y||b, Z||c*
  crystal symmetry : 321, X||a*, Y||b, Z||c*
  Bunge Euler angles in degree
     phi1     Phi    phi2    Inv.
  61.8386 40.0064 340.052       0
S_right_L =  matrix(inv(rot_ref)) * T_right
S_right_R = T_right * matrix(inv(rot_ref))

S_left_L =  matrix(inv(rot_ref)) * T_left
S_left_R = T_left * matrix(inv(rot_ref))
S_right_L =
   -0.0000   -0.5892    0.4501
    0.5893   -0.0001   -0.6709
   -0.4501    0.6710   -0.0001
S_right_R =
   -0.0001   -0.8018    0.5345
    0.8018   -0.0001   -0.2672
   -0.5345    0.2673   -0.0000
S_left_L =
   -0.0001   -0.8018    0.5345
    0.8018   -0.0001   -0.2672
   -0.5345    0.2673   -0.0000
S_left_R =
   -0.0001   -0.9575    0.2758
    0.9575   -0.0001    0.0850
   -0.2758   -0.0850   -0.0000

make it a vector

vR1 = vector3d(spinTensor(S_right_L))  *sqrt(14)
vR2 = inv(rot_ref) * vector3d(spinTensor(S_right_R)) * sqrt(14)

lR1 = rot_ref * vector3d(spinTensor(S_left_L))  *sqrt(14)
lR2 = vector3d(spinTensor(S_left_R)) * sqrt(14)
vR1 = vector3d  
 size: 1 x 1
        x       y       z
  2.51049  1.6841 2.20482
vR2 = vector3d  
 size: 1 x 1
        x       y       z
  2.51049  1.6841 2.20482
lR1 = vector3d  
 size: 1 x 1
          x         y         z
  -0.317983   1.03184   3.58248
lR2 = vector3d  
 size: 1 x 1
          x         y         z
  -0.317983   1.03184   3.58248

logarithm to vector3d

log(ori_ref * mori_123,ori_ref)

log(rot_123 * ori_ref,ori_ref,'left') * sqrt(14)
ans = Miller  
 size: 1 x 1
 symmetry: 321, X||a*, Y||b, Z||c*
  h  0.2335
  k  0.4671
  i -0.7006
  l  0.7006
ans = vector3d  
 size: 1 x 1
        x       y       z
  1.00007 2.00015 3.00022

logarithm to skew symmetric matrix

S = logm(ori_ref * mori_123,ori_ref)

S = logm(rot_123 * ori_ref,ori_ref,'left')
vector3d(S) * sqrt(14)
S = spinTensor  
  rank   : 2 (3 x 3)              
  mineral: 321, X||a*, Y||b, Z||c*
      0 -70.06  46.71
  70.06      0 -53.94
 -46.71  53.94      0
ans = Miller  
 size: 1 x 1
 symmetry: 321, X||a*, Y||b, Z||c*
  h  1
  k  2
  i -3
  l  3
S = spinTensor  
  rank: 2 (3 x 3)
      0 -80.18  53.46
  80.18      0 -26.73
 -53.46  26.73      0
ans = vector3d  
 size: 1 x 1
        x       y       z
  1.00007 2.00015 3.00022

The other way round

S = logm(ori_ref * mori_123,ori_ref);
ori_ref * mori_123

v = log(ori_ref * mori_123,ori_ref);
ans = orientation  
  size: 1 x 1
  crystal symmetry : 321, X||a*, Y||b, Z||c*
  specimen symmetry: 1
  Bunge Euler angles in degree
     phi1     Phi    phi2    Inv.
  79.3156 43.3785  9.9013       0
ans = orientation  
  size: 1 x 1
  crystal symmetry : 321, X||a*, Y||b, Z||c*
  specimen symmetry: 1
  Bunge Euler angles in degree
     phi1     Phi    phi2    Inv.
  79.3156 43.3785  9.9013       0
ans = orientation  
  size: 1 x 1
  crystal symmetry : 321, X||a*, Y||b, Z||c*
  specimen symmetry: 1
  Bunge Euler angles in degree
     phi1     Phi    phi2    Inv.
  79.3156 43.3785  9.9013       0
S = logm(rot_123 * ori_ref,ori_ref,'left');
rot_123 * ori_ref

v = log(rot_123 * ori_ref,ori_ref,'left');
ans = orientation  
  size: 1 x 1
  crystal symmetry : 321, X||a*, Y||b, Z||c*
  specimen symmetry: 1
  Bunge Euler angles in degree
     phi1     Phi    phi2    Inv.
  74.5565 51.5076 9.61124       0
ans = orientation  
  size: 1 x 1
  crystal symmetry : 321, X||a*, Y||b, Z||c*
  specimen symmetry: 1
  Bunge Euler angles in degree
     phi1     Phi    phi2    Inv.
  74.5565 51.5076 9.61124       0
ans = orientation  
  size: 1 x 1
  crystal symmetry : 321, X||a*, Y||b, Z||c*
  specimen symmetry: 1
  Bunge Euler angles in degree
     phi1     Phi    phi2    Inv.
  74.5565 51.5076 9.61124       0

Complete Function list

Omega = spinTensor(v)
Omega = spinTensor(S)
Omega = spinTensor(rot)
Omega = spinTensor(mori)
Sskew symmetry matrix