Calculalating and plotting elastic velocities from elastic stiffness Cijkl tensor and density (by David Mainprice).
crystal symmetry - Orthorhombic mmm Olivine structure (4.7646 10.2296 5.9942 90.00 90.00 90.00)
cs_tensor = crystalSymmetry('mmm',[4.7646,10.2296,5.9942],... 'x||a','z||c','mineral','Olivine');
Import 4th rank tensor as 6 by 6 matrix
Olivine elastic stiffness (Cij) tensor in GPa Abramson E.H., Brown J.M., Slutsky L.J., and Zaug J.(1997) The elastic constants of San Carlos olivine to 17 GPa. Journal of Geophysical Research 102: 12253-12263.
Enter tensor as 6 by 6 matrix,M line by line.
M = [[320.5 68.15 71.6 0 0 0];... [ 68.15 196.5 76.8 0 0 0];... [ 71.6 76.8 233.5 0 0 0];... [ 0 0 0 64 0 0];... [ 0 0 0 0 77 0];... [ 0 0 0 0 0 78.7]]; % Define density (g/cm3) rho=3.355; % Define tensor object in MTEX % Cij -> Cijkl - elastic stiffness tensor C = stiffnessTensor(M,cs_tensor,'density',rho)
C = stiffnessTensor density: 3.355 unit : GPa rank : 4 (3 x 3 x 3 x 3) mineral: Olivine (mmm) tensor in Voigt matrix representation: 320.5 68.2 71.6 0 0 0 68.2 196.5 76.8 0 0 0 71.6 76.8 233.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 64 0 0 0 0 0 0 77 0 0 0 0 0 0 78.7
Compute seismic velocities as functions on the sphere
[vp,vs1,vs2,pp,ps1,ps2] = C.velocity('harmonic');
Here we set preference for a nice plot.
% plotting convention - plot a-axis to east plota2east; % set colour map to seismic color map : blue2redColorMap setMTEXpref('defaultColorMap',blue2redColorMap) % some options blackMarker = {'Marker','s','MarkerSize',10,'antipodal',... 'MarkerEdgeColor','white','MarkerFaceColor','black','doNotDraw'}; whiteMarker = {'Marker','o','MarkerSize',10,'antipodal',... 'MarkerEdgeColor','black','MarkerFaceColor','white','doNotDraw'}; % some global options for the titles %titleOpt = {'FontSize',getMTEXpref('FontSize'),'visible','on'}; %{'FontSize',15}; titleOpt = {'visible','on','color','k'}; % Setup multiplot % define plot size [origin X,Y,Width,Height] mtexFig = mtexFigure('position',[0 0 1000 1000]); % set up spacing between subplots default is 10 pixel %mtexFig.innerPlotSpacing = 20; % Standard Seismic plot with 8 subplots in 3 by 3 matrix % % Plot matrix layout % 1 Vp 2 AVs 3 S1 polarizations % 4 Vs1 5 Vs2 6 dVs % 7 Vp/Vs1 8 Vp/Vs2 %
%************************************************************************** % Vp : Plot P-wave velocity (km/s) %************************************************************************** % Plot P-wave velocity (km/s) plot(vp,'contourf','complete','upper') mtexTitle('Vp (km/s)',titleOpt{:}) % extrema [maxVp, maxVpPos] = max(vp); [minVp, minVpPos] = min(vp); % percentage anisotropy AVp = 200*(maxVp-minVp) / (maxVp+minVp); % mark maximum with black square and minimum with white circle hold on plot(maxVpPos.symmetrise,blackMarker{:}) plot(minVpPos.symmetrise,whiteMarker{:}) hold off % subTitle xlabel(['Vp Anisotropy = ',num2str(AVp,'%6.1f')],titleOpt{:})
defined as AVs = 200*(Vs1-Vs2)/(Vs1+Vs2)
% create a new axis nextAxis % Plot S-wave anisotropy (percent) AVs = 200*(vs1-vs2)./(vs1+vs2); plot(AVs,'contourf','complete','upper'); mtexTitle('S-wave anisotropy (%)',titleOpt{:}) % Max percentage anisotropy [maxAVs,maxAVsPos] = max(AVs); [minAVs,minAVsPos] = min(AVs); xlabel(['Max Vs Anisotropy = ',num2str(maxAVs,'%6.1f')],titleOpt{:}) % mark maximum with black square and minimum with white circle hold on plot(maxAVsPos.symmetrise,blackMarker{:}) plot(minAVsPos.symmetrise,whiteMarker{:}) hold off % mark crystal axes text([xvector,yvector,zvector],{'[100] ','[010] ','[001]'},... 'backgroundcolor','w','doNotDraw');
% create a new axis nextAxis plot(AVs,'contourf','complete','upper'); mtexTitle('Vs1 polarization',titleOpt{:}) hold on plot(ps1,'linewidth',2,'color','black','doNotDraw') hold off
% create a new axis nextAxis plot(vs1,'contourf','doNotDraw','complete','upper'); mtexTitle('Vs1 (km/s)',titleOpt{:}) % Percentage anisotropy [maxS1,maxS1pos] = max(vs1); [minS1,minS1pos] = min(vs1); AVs1=200*(maxS1-minS1)./(maxS1+minS1); xlabel(['Vs1 Anisotropy = ',num2str(AVs1,'%6.1f')],titleOpt{:}) hold on plot(ps1,'linewidth',2,'color','black') % mark maximum with black square and minimum with white circle hold on plot(maxS1pos.symmetrise,blackMarker{:}) plot(minS1pos.symmetrise,whiteMarker{:}) hold off
% create a new axis nextAxis plot(vs2,'contourf','doNotDraw','complete','upper'); mtexTitle('Vs2 (km/s)',titleOpt{:}) % Percentage anisotropy [maxS2,maxS2pos] = max(vs2); [minS2,minS2pos] = min(vs2); AVs2=200*(maxS2-minS2)./(maxS2+minS2); xlabel(['Vs2 Anisotropy = ',num2str(AVs2,'%6.1f')],titleOpt{:}) hold on plot(ps2,'linewidth',2,'color','black') % mark maximum with black square and minimum with white circle hold on plot(maxS2pos.symmetrise,blackMarker{:}) plot(minS2pos.symmetrise,whiteMarker{:}) hold off
% create a new axis nextAxis dVs = vs1-vs2; plot(dVs,'contourf','complete','upper'); mtexTitle('dVs=Vs1-Vs2 (km/s)',titleOpt{:}) % Max percentage anisotropy [maxdVs,maxdVsPos] = max(dVs); [mindVs,mindVsPos] = min(dVs); xlabel(['Max dVs (km/s) = ',num2str(maxdVs,'%6.2f')],titleOpt{:}) % mark maximum with black square and minimum with white circle hold on plot(maxdVsPos.symmetrise,blackMarker{:}) plot(mindVsPos.symmetrise,whiteMarker{:}) hold off
% create a new axis nextAxis vpvs1 = vp./vs1; plot(vpvs1,'contourf','complete','upper'); mtexTitle('Vp/Vs1',titleOpt{:}) % Percentage anisotropy [maxVpVs1,maxVpVs1Pos] = max(vpvs1); [minVpVs1,minVpVs1Pos] = min(vpvs1); AVpVs1=200*(maxVpVs1-minVpVs1)/(maxVpVs1+minVpVs1); xlabel(['Vp/Vs1 Anisotropy = ',num2str(AVpVs1,'%6.1f')],titleOpt{:}) % mark maximum with black square and minimum with white circle hold on plot(maxVpVs1Pos.symmetrise,blackMarker{:}) plot(minVpVs1Pos.symmetrise,whiteMarker{:}) hold off
% create a new axis nextAxis vpvs2 = vp./vs2; plot(vpvs2,'contourf','complete','upper'); mtexTitle('Vp/Vs2',titleOpt{:}) % Percentage anisotropy [maxVpVs2,maxVpVs2Pos] = max(vpvs2); [minVpVs2,minVpVs2Pos] = min(vpvs2); AVpVs2=200*(maxVpVs2-minVpVs2)/(maxVpVs2+minVpVs2); xlabel(['Vp/Vs2 Anisotropy = ',num2str(AVpVs2,'%6.1f')],titleOpt{:}) % mark maximum with black square and minimum with white circle hold on plot(maxVpVs2Pos.symmetrise,blackMarker{:}) plot(minVpVs2Pos.symmetrise,whiteMarker{:}) hold off
% add colorbars to all plots mtexColorbar drawNow(gcm,'figSize','large') % reset old colormap setMTEXpref('defaultColorMap',WhiteJetColorMap)
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