Misorientation describes the relative orientation of two grains with respect to each other. Important concepts are twinnings and CSL (coincidence site lattice),
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The misorientation angle |
Misorientations |
Coincident lattice planes |
Twinning misorientations |
Highlight twinning boundaries |
Phase transitions |
First we import some EBSD data set, compute grains and plot them according to their mean orientation. Next we highlight grain 70 and grain 80
mtexdata twins % use only proper symmetry operations ebsd('M').CS = ebsd('M').CS.properGroup; grains = calcGrains(ebsd('indexed'),'threshold',5*degree) CS = grains.CS; % extract crystal symmetry plot(grains,grains.meanOrientation,'micronbar','off') hold on plot(grains([74,85]).boundary,'edgecolor','w','linewidth',2) text(grains([74,85]),{'1','2'})
grains = grain2d Phase Grains Pixels Mineral Symmetry Crystal reference frame 1 126 22833 Magnesium 622 X||a*, Y||b, Z||c* boundary segments: 3892 triple points: 122 Properties: GOS, meanRotation I'm going to colorize the orientation data with the standard MTEX colorkey. To view the colorkey do: colorKey = ipfColorKey(ori_variable_name) plot(colorKey)
After extracting the mean orientation of grain 70 and 80
ori1 = grains(74).meanOrientation ori2 = grains(85).meanOrientation
ori1 = orientation size: 1 x 1 crystal symmetry : Magnesium (622, X||a*, Y||b, Z||c*) specimen symmetry: 1 Bunge Euler angles in degree phi1 Phi phi2 Inv. 19.4774 78.0484 220.043 0 ori2 = orientation size: 1 x 1 crystal symmetry : Magnesium (622, X||a*, Y||b, Z||c*) specimen symmetry: 1 Bunge Euler angles in degree phi1 Phi phi2 Inv. 71.4509 167.781 200.741 0
we may compute the misorientation angle between both orientations by
angle(ori1, ori2) ./ degree
ans = 85.7093
Note that the misorientation angle is computed by default modulo crystal symmetry, i.e., the angle is always the smallest angles between all possible pairs of symmetrically equivalent orientations. In our example this means that symmetrisation of one orientation has no impact on the angle
angle(ori1, ori2.symmetrise) ./ degree
ans = 85.7093 85.7093 85.7093 85.7093 85.7093 85.7093 85.7093 85.7093 85.7093 85.7093 85.7093 85.7093
The misorientation angle neglecting crystal symmetry can be computed by
angle(ori1, ori2.symmetrise,'noSymmetry')./ degree
ans = 107.9464 100.9175 94.2925 136.6180 107.7066 179.5952 140.0598 137.3717 179.8061 101.4414 140.4168 85.7093
We see that the smallest angle indeed coincides with the angle computed before.
Remember that both orientations ori1 and ori2 map crystal coordinates onto specimen coordinates. Hence, the product of an inverse orientation with another orientation transfers crystal coordinates from one crystal reference frame into crystal coordinates with respect to another crystal reference frame. This transformation is called misorientation
mori = inv(ori1) * ori2
mori = misorientation size: 1 x 1 crystal symmetry : Magnesium (622, X||a*, Y||b, Z||c*) crystal symmetry : Magnesium (622, X||a*, Y||b, Z||c*) Bunge Euler angles in degree phi1 Phi phi2 Inv. 149.581 94.2922 150.134 0
In the present case the misorientation describes the coordinate transform from the reference frame of grain 80 into the reference frame of crystal 70. Take as an example the plane {11-20} with respect to the grain 80. Then the plane in grain 70 which alignes parallel to this plane can be computed by
round(mori * Miller(1,1,-2,0,CS))
ans = Miller size: 1 x 1 mineral: Magnesium (622, X||a*, Y||b, Z||c*) h 2 k -1 i -1 l 0
Conversely, the inverse of mori is the coordinate transform from crystal 70 to grain 80.
round(inv(mori) * Miller(2,-1,-1,0,CS))
ans = Miller size: 1 x 1 mineral: Magnesium (622, X||a*, Y||b, Z||c*) h 1 k 1 i -2 l 0
The coincidence between major lattice planes may suggest that the misorientation is a twinning misorientation. Lets analyse whether there are some more alignments between major lattice planes.
%m = Miller({1,-1,0,0},{1,1,-2,0},{1,-1,0,1},{0,0,0,1},CS); m = Miller({1,-1,0,0},{1,1,-2,0},{-1,0,1,1},{0,0,0,1},CS); % cycle through all major lattice planes close all for im = 1:length(m) % plot the lattice planes of grains 80 with respect to the % reference frame of grain 70 plot(mori * m(im).symmetrise,'MarkerSize',10,... 'DisplayName',char(m(im)),'figSize','large','noLabel','upper') hold all end hold off % mark the corresponding lattice planes in the twin mm = round(unique(mori*m.symmetrise,'noSymmetry'),'maxHKL',6); annotate(mm,'labeled','MarkerSize',5,'figSize','large','textAboveMarker') % show legend legend({},'location','SouthEast','FontSize',13);
we observe an almost perfect match for the lattice planes {11-20} to {-2110} and {1-101} to {-1101} and good coincidences for the lattice plane {1-100} to {0001} and {0001} to {0-661}. Lets compute the angles explicitly
angle(mori * Miller(1,1,-2,0,CS),Miller(2,-1,-1,0,CS)) / degree
angle(mori * Miller(1,0,-1,-1,CS),Miller(1,-1,0,1,CS)) / degree
angle(mori * Miller(0,0,0,1,CS) ,Miller(1,0,-1,0,CS),'noSymmetry') / degree
angle(mori * Miller(1,1,-2,2,CS),Miller(1,0,-1,0,CS)) / degree
angle(mori * Miller(1,0,-1,0,CS),Miller(1,1,-2,2,CS)) / degree
ans = 0.4489 ans = 0.2193 ans = 59.6757 ans = 2.6092 ans = 2.5387
Lets define a misorientation that makes a perfect fit between the {11-20} lattice planes and between the {10-11} lattice planes
mori = orientation.map(Miller(1,1,-2,0,CS),Miller(2,-1,-1,0,CS),... Miller(-1,0,1,1,CS),Miller(-1,1,0,1,CS)) % the rotational axis round(mori.axis) % the rotational angle mori.angle / degree
mori = misorientation size: 1 x 1 crystal symmetry : Magnesium (622, X||a*, Y||b, Z||c*) crystal symmetry : Magnesium (622, X||a*, Y||b, Z||c*) Bunge Euler angles in degree phi1 Phi phi2 Inv. 300 0 0 0 ans = Miller size: 1 x 1 mineral: Magnesium (622, X||a*, Y||b, Z||c*) h 1 k 0 i -1 l 0 ans = 0
and plot the same figure as before with the exact twinning misorientation.
% cycle through all major lattice planes close all for im = 1:length(m) % plot the lattice planes of grains 80 with respect to the % reference frame of grain 70 plot(mori * m(im).symmetrise,'MarkerSize',10,... 'DisplayName',char(m(im)),'figSize','large','noLabel','upper') hold all end hold off % mark the corresponding lattice planes in the twin mm = round(unique(mori*m.symmetrise,'noSymmetry'),'maxHKL',6); annotate(mm,'labeled','MarkerSize',5,'figSize','large') % show legend legend({},'location','NorthWest','FontSize',13);
It turns out that in the previous EBSD map many grain boundaries have a misorientation close to the twinning misorientation we just defined. Lets Lets highlight those twinning boundaries
% consider only Magnesium to Magnesium grain boundaries gB = grains.boundary('Mag','Mag'); % check for small deviation from the twinning misorientation isTwinning = angle(gB.misorientation,mori) < 5*degree; % plot the grains and highlight the twinning boundaries plot(grains,grains.meanOrientation,'micronbar','off') hold on plot(gB(isTwinning),'edgecolor','w','linewidth',2) hold off
I'm going to colorize the orientation data with the standard MTEX colorkey. To view the colorkey do: colorKey = ipfColorKey(ori_variable_name) plot(colorKey)
From this picture we see that large fraction of grain boudaries are twinning boundaries. To make this observation more evident we may plot the boundary misorientation angle distribution function. This is simply the angle distribution of all boundary misorientations and can be displayed with
close all
From this we observe that we have about 50 percent twinning boundaries. Analogously we may also plot the axis distribution
which emphasises a strong portion of rotations about the (-12-10) axis.
Misorientations may not only be defined between crystal frames of the same phase. Lets consider the phases Magnetite and Hematite.
CS_Mag = loadCIF('Magnetite') CS_Hem = loadCIF('Hematite')
CS_Mag = crystalSymmetry mineral : Magnetite symmetry: m-3m a, b, c : 8.4, 8.4, 8.4 CS_Hem = crystalSymmetry mineral : Hematite symmetry : -3m1 a, b, c : 5, 5, 14 reference frame: X||a*, Y||b, Z||c*
The phase transition from Magnetite to Hematite is described in literature by {111}_m parallel {0001}_h and {-101}_m parallel {10-10}_h The corresponding misorientation is defined in MTEX by
Mag2Hem = orientation.map(... Miller(1,1,1,CS_Mag),Miller(0,0,0,1,CS_Hem),... Miller(-1,0,1,CS_Mag),Miller(1,0,-1,0,CS_Hem))
Mag2Hem = misorientation size: 1 x 1 crystal symmetry : Magnetite (m-3m) crystal symmetry : Hematite (-3m1, X||a*, Y||b, Z||c*) Bunge Euler angles in degree phi1 Phi phi2 Inv. 120 54.7356 45 0
Assume a Magnetite grain with orientation
ori_Mag = orientation.byEuler(0,0,0,CS_Mag)
ori_Mag = orientation size: 1 x 1 crystal symmetry : Magnetite (m-3m) specimen symmetry: 1 Bunge Euler angles in degree phi1 Phi phi2 Inv. 0 0 0 0
Then we can compute all variants of the phase transition by
symmetrise(ori_Mag) * inv(Mag2Hem)
ans = orientation size: 48 x 1 crystal symmetry : Hematite (-3m1, X||a*, Y||b, Z||c*) specimen symmetry: 1
and the corresponding pole figures by
plotPDF(symmetrise(ori_Mag) * inv(Mag2Hem),...
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